Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sunday Set List: March 27, 2011

This past Sunday was interesting. Our first service (our more contemporary) went quite well. Of course there were glitches, however it was decent. I'm still working on coaching my worship team leader on how to select songs based on theme and guiding of the Holy Spirit as oppose to "I like this song ... and this one ... Oh and this one too!"

Here is how are first service was laid out:

  1. Opening Set: Hosanna (Praise is Rising), Psalm 98:4-6 was read, Shout to the Lord
  2. Friendship Books (our way of seeing who is new and getting information from them)
  3. Video on the Armor of God

  4. Time of Prayer - This was to encourage people to pray for God's guidance on how to prepare for spiritual battles as this was our theme for this morning.
  5. Second Set: Blessed Be Your Name, Revelation Song, The River
  6. Children's Dismissal and Prayer
  7. Message - Spiritual Battle (Still based off the book The Divine Prayer Clock)
  8. Offering
  9. Closing Song: I Will Rise
Our Second service was a rough one this Sunday. It seemed as though nothing worked. Music was rough, video that was incorporated was verbally skipped over so there was no mention or explanation even though we had coaching on this specifically. It was just a rough service. Really embarrassing.

  1. Welcome
  2. Set 1: Holy Holy Holy, Psalm 149:1-5 read, My Saviour My God
  3. Congregational Greeting (The good ol' hand shake)
  4. Song: You Are my Strength
  5. Friendship Books
  6. Video (Sames as previous service)
  7. Song: Eagles wings (however a passage out of Isaiah 40 was read first therefore really not helping with having a video right before it)
  8. Pastoral Prayer - Elder
  9. Message - Spiritual Battle
  10. Offering/Offertory
  11. Closing Song: Come Holy Spirit
PS: Does anyone else find it ironic that this service went really wrong with the theme of Spiritual Battle?

Thanks for your input. This is posted on theworshipcommunity.com Sunday Set List article. For more set lists check it out there. It's a useful tool!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Worship Set March 20, 2011

This set was exciting. We just finished a prayer conference working through a book called "The Divine Prayer Clock". It was exciting to lead the musical worship each night and welcome people to the evening of learning about prayer. This Sunday we were so happy to see people engaging into corporate worship. I love being on stage and seeing God's children worship Him. I'd love some feed back and also ideas about what I could have added or taken away. I'm always looking for new edgy things to try and push our congregation in worship.

I'm posting this back at theworshipcommunity.com so other can check it out. Take a look there to see more ideas and thoughts on worship.

Everlasting God


Open The Eyes of My Heart
Alive In This Moment

Quiet Time of Reflection (Music in background)

The Stand


“Prayer-itis” Video

Message - Spiritual Preparation

Video of Japan Devastation - For Prayer

You Are My Strength