Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday Set List: November 28, 2010

  1. Welcome - Sing Jesus Loves the Little Children
    This is part of our theme for Advent "Christmas Around The World". We are adding a verse each week as we open with it.
  2. Opening Song Package:
    Come and Fill Me Up
    Awesome God (Chorus and Mixed it into the next song)
  3. Drama
    This Drama series is running throughout Advent written by the Worship Arts Design Team. Last week and this week has gone very well and great response and interaction with the congregation.
  4. Kids Feature
  5. Songs:
    O Come O Come Emmanuel (Jazz Variation - So Much Fun!)
    We Fall Down
  6. Advent Reading
  7. Message
  8. Song of Response: Holy Is The Lord
  9. Offering Set Up
  10. Song: Revelation Song
    We started this song during the offering and then invited the people to stand by the time we got to the chorus for the first time.
This Service seemed to have gone really well. Our morning was crazy with people not being around when we needed them, our bass guitarist was a witness to an accident on the way to church in the morning and didn't show up until just before the service. All in all, it was a crazy morning and it just seemed to excite my faith in what God was going to do in that service. Things went really smoothly and the congregation really seem to be interactive and engaged. It was encouraging to see God working through the worship, drama and tech teams.

Check out other Set Lists at

1 comment:

  1. Josh -

    It looks like you work really diligently to create a rich worship environment by drawing on a number of different art forms and expression. Your church is blessed.

    Stay connected...

